Friday, July 13, 2007

The Way + The Gateless Gate

Reading a lot,
hearing a lot,
one sees the way.

Seeing the way,
one points out the way.

Walking the way,
why is one not,
on the way?

Where is the way,
where is the way?

Wondering away,
one loses the way.

Wandering away,
further away...

What is the way?
How is the way?

Haven't one always been,
on the way?

Can't see the way,
can't feel the way.

Where is this way,
this formless way?


The Great way,
has no door.
Thousand ways to it,
Thousand ways from it.

Once past this gate,
One walks freely.

Where is the way?
the way indeed.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Seeing smiles

After the storm,
the grass look greener.

Seeing smiles,
hearing laughter.
Knowing that all of these will soon be gone,
like all else in the world which never stays.

Smile your sweetest while u can,
for it is here now and not tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be another day,
who knows what the world might bring,
happy that you are here today,
I hug you tight, like there is no other.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Anger, the double edged sword

Why be angry?
Hurts the mind,
hurts the body,
brings distress to other people,
brings disharmony between people.
Destroys yourself, destroys others.
Dangerous indeed...anger is..

Thosand years of hate

Thosand years of hate,
all in the head.
Why don't you just let go,
Let go and be free.......