Wednesday, July 31, 2013


But my mum has been unhappy these days.. She says that I am not 乖 for leaving her alone at home for 9 days. Hmmm...attachment...

Also it has got me thinking..i always say i am leaving, leaving sg n leaving this world so i make leaving n not leaving. I make this world and that destination.. All are 起心动念的造作, all duality thinking mind..what is the true leaving? And what is the Right Function of this monk's leaving?

A turning word is required..

(turning word is zen talk for some speech or action which turns the situation into the correct direction)


Interesting how this human is, with their tricks and full of frailities. The mind being inextrically linked to the body and it's thoughts; Although it is originally free, and non-existant, one experiences everything fully nonetheless. Mired in it, one is said to be deluded. Rising above it, what's the use? If one stays on, one risks getting blown away by the winds and becomes lost in the sands. If one leaves, good for him or her!

So knowing this why does anyone want to stay on? This i cannot understand..

There is suffering and there is more pain.. But as the truth, nothing truly exists, the why do u feel so during torture? Why can't you go through it?

In fact, the way of Amitabha is the easiest and powerful.

The great masters were masters of perseverence. With it, there is no limit!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Your great mission in life; is not too far away from you

Many times we hope to do great things, but fixating on this thought, we neglect those closest to us.. In fact, the truth is those closest to us are no different from those far away.. They might just require different things.....Nonetheless, they require something. If we do not even recognise this need of them, and if we can't satisfy even them, how can we be so presumptious as to say we can benefit more/all sentient beings at some other place? My teachers always teaches that we should always start with those closest to us. If we neglect the feelings of those closest to us and stubbornly engage in our great missions of life, i feel we would be doing a great disservice to those who willingly and sincerely, loved us..


Permanence cannot be found in external objects and phenemonea but in the perfectly cultivated person.

While external things are always changing and inconsistent. The perfectly cultivated person is always conpassionate to all beings.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Grace of Amitabha

Zen Master Seung Sahn said: Just keep clear mind, go straight ahead, try try try, for 10000 years, non-stop! Just do it! :)

So let us all try in our own ways, whether to stay, whether to leave, whether to attain the pure heart and innocence of kids, whether to attain the wisdom and maturity of the wise elders. All is subsumed within the great limitless one who is called Amitabha. By His wisdom and power, let us all have limitless perserverence and determination to cultivate ourselves towards limitless compassion n wisdom. For the sake of ourselves who are not different from the limitless suffering beings, let us forge ahead unceasingly. With faith, love, aspiation and practice, Amituofo :)

By His Grace, We are saved even before We know it.