Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Interesting how this human is, with their tricks and full of frailities. The mind being inextrically linked to the body and it's thoughts; Although it is originally free, and non-existant, one experiences everything fully nonetheless. Mired in it, one is said to be deluded. Rising above it, what's the use? If one stays on, one risks getting blown away by the winds and becomes lost in the sands. If one leaves, good for him or her!

So knowing this why does anyone want to stay on? This i cannot understand..

There is suffering and there is more pain.. But as the truth, nothing truly exists, the why do u feel so during torture? Why can't you go through it?

In fact, the way of Amitabha is the easiest and powerful.

The great masters were masters of perseverence. With it, there is no limit!

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