Friday, April 25, 2008

Tagged by TS

1.如果你有特异功能, 你会干什么?
Q If you were to have special powers, what would you do?
A: I have no grand plans, just use it when I see people who needs help and of course for my own convenience without anyone finding out that I have specail powers.

2. 最满意你身体的哪一部分?
Q Which part of your body that you are satisfied with?
A: If I have to say, it would be my legs cos I use it a lot.

3. 认为自己哪一个优点最讨人欢喜?
Q What is your strong point which other people like?
A: I have no idea. I think it is because I am totally open with people?? (if you care to ask)

4. 希望有个怎样的恋爱?
Q what kind of relationship that you will be hoping for?
A: one that is not stressful but beautiful

5. 你最想去哪个地方?
Q What place have you been wanting to go?
A: Japan, Korea, China, to all the great temples on the mountain tops

6. 最受不了自己哪个缺点?
Q What weaknesses of yourself that you cant stand most?
A: My incredible laziness

7. 如果有不开心的事情,你会怎么办?
Q: If there is an unhappy event occurs, what would you do?
A: complain to ppl and it usually disappears quite quickly after that

8. 最害怕失去的东西?
Q: Thing that I am most afraid of losing?
A: I think it is my sanity. But then again, when I lose it, then it does not matter anymore. So...cant thing of anything else.

9. 现在最想做的事?
Q: Thing that you want to do the most now?
A: Sit down and study properly for my exams

10. 若遇見喜歡的人,你會怎樣做?
Q: If meet the one that u love, what would you do?
A: Get close to her, spend time with her and evaluate her suitability critically through observing her and testing her out

11. 说出点你名的人的3个优点。
Q: List out 3 strong points of the person that tagged you
A: Caring, friendly and always brings joy to those around him :)

12. 你最希望你的另一半对你做的一件事?
Q: What do you most expect your other half to do to you?
A: Walk together with me (figuratively)

13. 遇到不喜歡的人﹐你會怎樣拒絕?
Q: When meet someone that you dont like, how would you refuse him/her?
A: For B/G relationship, tell him/her politely but tactfully. For normal day friends, be accepting and throw the part of him/her that I do not like out of the window for that is a problem with attachments to I, my, me, opinions and thots. Although I dun like him/her, it should not be a problem. We encounter situations/ things/ ppl that we do not like everyday. Can't be that we keep avoiding them and running away.

14. 你最讨厌怎样的人?
Q: Which kind of person that you cant stand most?
A: Those who say but never do. Those who anyhow accuse others and those who are slippery.

15. 你觉得最美的事物是什么?
Q: What thing that you feel is the most beautiful in the world?
A: Hm....hard one, the world is always beautiful. It is I who fail to see it. This keeps on changing for me, I cant really pinpoint something exact. Like just now, I just saw a music video of the Corrs and i think the lead singer, Andrea has a really beautiful voice and is also really beautiful.

16. 能夠感動你的事情,是什麽?
Q: What could possibly touch your heart?
A: Some action of incredible kindness.

17. 如果能让你实现一个愿望,会是什么?
Q: If you were given a wish, what would it be?
A: To have unlimited more wishes

18. 你最期待发生的事情是什么?
Q: What do you want most to happen?
A: To have the ability to see through and know everthing clearly(enlightenment)

19. 觉得人生最重要的事情是什么?
Q: What is the most important in life?
A: this

20. 如果能回到過去,你希望能夠回到什麽時候?做些什麽?
Q: If you were to travel to the past, what period you wish to travel to? What would you do at that time?
A: Go back to the time of the Buddha, first council, second council, Nagarjuna, the Great Zen Masters, Bodhidharma, Huineng, Dogen, the Great Shingon Masters, Nagabodhi, Subhakarasimha, Amoghavajra, Huiguo, Kukai. Visit all the great temples in the time of their greatness. What would I do? Just sit in and watch and enjoy.

And who do I want to Tag?
Since TS has tagged so many people from BS, I will tag some of my own.

1) Kian Boon
2) Ga
3) Ben Tay
4) RX
5) Peiru
6) Meifei
7) Jacinta
8) Yantengy
9) Eddy
10) All my cousins!!!!

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