Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seeing moment to moment

There is nothing.....just constant practice.

Bringing oneself back to the point. All other things disappear. But the process to get to the point and getting to it are all a different matter. Sometimes it is just so difficult...Different karma...

Recently I bought a book on the Sayings of the great Zen Master Joshu (Zhaozhou/Joju). His speech is incredible! Not left and not right. Very clear. Somehow it seems that I am starting to lose interest in Dharma books that teach expedient methods..I am only interested in mainly Zen books and books that deal with solid Dharma. Also, not to forget biographies of masters. I LOVE biographies!!

Meditation is very good for the mind and heart. But practice is necessary. The more u practice it, it's capacity to help u increases. If you practice only a little, it's capacity to help u also remains little. That's what i experience. So practice!

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