Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Today, my brother was sick, and I was just thinking if I should do a chant for him.

In the japanese esoteric buddhist tradition, they have a healing ritual called the kaji ritual. As its name suggests, it is supposed to be used for healing of sicknesses.

But i was thinking, on what kind of illness should the kaji ritual be performed? Flu? cough? cancer? AIDS?
Should we do it for even small illness??? Hmm........ I don't think so. Those we should let it run themselves out right?

So what if the person is healed?
Usually the aim is so that the person can practice the Teachings of the Buddha more easily.

But, sometimes, through the illness, the person grows. But then again, the person must recover to pass on this experience and knowledge right?

So it is good after all to do a prayer for the illness after all? I should think so. Ultimately, it still depends on his karma. If his bad karma is too strong, and the conditions are right, no prayer can rearrange that kind of situation.

But what abt for a bad guy, once he recovers, then he will go back to his bad actions. Then should we pray too? Hm....i still would stand on the positive side and say we should and if he should recover, we should then try to reform him.......

May there be no causes for people to have illness,
May there be good causes for people to practice the Dharma,
May all be free from suffering,
May all be well and happy!

With Gassho

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