Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Unreal You

You, who lives in the virtual realm, in a world of imagination and wonder, when will you make your worlds one and reconcile your life?

Don't you feel that you have always been separate? That the real world is so scary and boring and there is so much more in the imaginative world than the real world? You can do all things in the imaginative world but can never do it in the real world, experience the mental acrobatics, pyrotechnics, words too limited to describe them. You yearn to experience what you see and hear of the virtual imaginative world in the real world, you try to bring the imagination into the real world through literature and art but they are never sufficient expressions.

Yet, such expressions are for the crazy and wild. You who are brought up so traditionally and being entrenched in this societal jail cannot help but live out your life pitifully in the virtual world while being forced to conform to reality here. The ricebowl issue, the societal pressure all pushing you to live out this life in a way you don't want to yet you have to. Do you resign to the fact or do you take the leap? You can never take the leap, you do not dare....

What can you do? You procratinate this life, not wanting to be in the flow yet somehow you know you need to, have to. You try to find a middle way solution to satisfy both paths. To live out this life imaginatively yet making everyone happy. You admire those who take the road less taken but u never can, you don't dare...

Those around you, do they truly know you? You look so different from what you are inside! A meek look ouside but an adventurous free spirit inside. But your curious eyes can never hide it!

You yearn for the adventure of a lifetime but have no idea how to get there. Given the way things are, you just say.. One day.. One day.. That's all you can muster. Never being able to commit!

When are you going to step out of this small frame and be the real you?!!!

Take your life in your hands be the difference! Do not split your life into two! Live realistically here and look around you, there are opportunities abound! Apply your imaginings here; Do not be trapped in the virtual world! A virtual imaginative jail.

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