Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Seven Attachments to Patience to Be Abandoned

With regards to patience....something i find myself to be sorely lacking, one of the 6 paramitas(perfections)

We must also abandon the seven attachments to patience: (1) Abandon
attachment to hatred, which is the opposite of patience. By abandoning doing so,
we are able to maintain patience. (2) Abandon postponement, or the idea that
when someone harms us, we can harm him in return now and practice patience
later. Patience should be practiced at the moment harm is inflicted on us. (3)
Abandon being satisfied with the amount of patience we are practicing. For
example, when someone harms us, we may exercise a little patience, feeling that
it is enough and that if we control our patience for just a few minutes, we can
return the harm after that. We should never be satisfied with the amount of
patience we practice; we should always keep increasing it.

Abandon the thought that we are practicing patience because we will gain some
reward in this lifetime. For example, when someone injures us, we shouldn't
think that later he will like us or reward us because we have been patient with
him. (5) Abandon the thought that we are practicing patience now to have
happiness in a future lifetime. We should abandon any thought of reward for
performing virtuous acts. We should practice merely for the sake of
accomplishing virtue. (6) Abandon the thought that we do not need to have
patience with little things, that it is allowable to become angry over small or
minor events. (7) Abandon any thought or conceptualization at the time of
practicing patience. For example, we should not practice patience while thinking
of becoming an Arhat or thinking about gaining personal liberation.

- Treasures of the Sakya Lineage: Teachings of the Masters (Migmar Tseten) p.174-175

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