ts: suddenly so many posts....last time back in 2006 watched 1LoT oso...cried
till cannot...then that time feel that the whole world very grey...what u feel
after watching that
Think i'll reply here instead. Hmm... u know, do you realise that we and Aya both live in this same world? But then our circumstances are totally different, her world is totally different from ours although we live in the same earth which contains the same things.
Many times, i think we live in our own world too much, not knowing what kind of world this is for other ppl. You went to nursing homes like Renci Hospital before right? When we are there, were you shocked by the state the patients are in? Those that were on terminal illness, unable to move much, unable to do anything, the state their bodies are in? Some crinkled up into a ball, some looking only to one direction with listless gaze the whole day with bodily fluid flowing out, some others hands and legs amputated because of thier illnesses. Some ppl totally cant take it. They have never seen such things before. Never imagined that humans, like us can be in such states. Never imagined that there are so many of them around. They live their lives, not knowing how other ppl are living their lives.
We walk on the same on the same earth as them, walk on the same street as them. Yet, their world is totally different from ours. Do you see it?
One day, while walking out of the temple, I once saw a family, both parents and 2 kids, happily hopping into the car. Then I thought, " What a happy family!". Immediately, I reflected, how can there be a family which is always happy like in fairy tales?? Every family has its troubles, its unhappy times. Today, now the family is happy, they look happy, but we do not know for sure, just judging from their appearance. We do not know the suffering they might have gone through, we in fact do not know anything about them. So how can I say that they are a happy family?? What I do know is that in this very moment, they are happy and that is good, that is enough, I feel happy for them. But whether they are happy all the time, their suffering over the many years that they may have endured, the suffering that they will experience in the future, the disagreements between parents and children, the scoldings, the beatings, the crying , so many thing, I cannot know, I cannot imagine, whether good or bad. This world, everyone's world especially in the human realm is not just one colour.
It is not that the world is grey, I think it is just that we haven't seen it yet, the depth of despair and sadness that is present in this world. For us the lucky ones, we are more familiar with the happiness and joy in this world. The world is so vast, we cannot imagine it. All the different states and emotions in this world. The range of the world, we cannot understand or fanthom. The world is not only grey, it has many colours. However, what we can do is to open our hearts, what i hope we can do is to bare our hearts to this world and experience the world for what it is, all of its highest joys and all of its crippling pains. I think only then can we truely know this world and feel this world.
But, we tend to protect ourselves and hearts from pain and things we do not like. That is protection of the 'I'. This 'I' is really troublesome, it is the one that gets hurt. The one that we need to protect from danger. But there is no real use for this 'I', is there? It just gets in the way of things. So I think we should try to get rid of this 'I' in us, only by getting rid of this 'I', can we truely start to understand this world. Truely feel the world, everything in it, every person, every being, for what it really is. Only then, can we truely walk on this earth.
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