Thursday, February 28, 2008

To live easier

To live a easier, happier life, we have to be live harmoniously with our surrounding situations.

To live harmoniously with our surroundings, we need to have less conflicts.

To have less conflict, we must be easily adaptable with the surroundings and situations.

To be easily adaptable to the surroundings and situations, we have to have lesser clashes of opinions with people and with situations when they do not go in the way we want them to.

To have lesser clashes of opinions with people and with situations when they do not go in the way we want them to, we need to decrease our attachments to our opinion on things or issues.

When we have less attachments to our opinions on things and issues, then anything is not a problem anymore.

However, we still have a problem, which brings conflict, which causes us to be unable to live happily. People fault us for our lack of opinion.

Having a lack of attachments to our opinions brings many problems in the modern society. So we must have attachments to some kind of opinions and ideas. So what kind of opinions and ideas should these be? When should we be attached to our idea? What are the principles that govern it? Can these principles change too?

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