Monday, September 29, 2008
Noble 8 Fold Path from Cattarisaka Sutta
It is very interesting, a new way of learning and using that brings a new dimension. It is a sutra that the Buddha started talking without being asked a qustion. It is VERY systematic so I'll try to summarise its structure here. But if you want to know the defination, please look up the sutta.
First, the Buddha told the monks that He'll teach them Noble Right Concentration and its supports and requisites today...
And how does one get Right Noble Concentration?
Through the cultivation of the 7 Noble Right Paths which are the supports and requisites that He was talking abt just now.
So, He started by telling them and defining first what is Right View, then Right Intention, then Right Speech, then Right Action and finally Right Livelihood.
And in each of this 5 paths path, He would explain two ways of practicing the path.
1. The Right _____ with mental influxes, partaking of merit and ripening in acquisistions(of aggregates).
2. The Right _____ which is Noble without mental influxes, supramundane , a path factor.
The first is the mudane, normal day, normal guy method of the path. The next is the high level, high class method of the path.
Next, at the end of every path, he would say,
"One who makes an effort to give up _______(give up this particular wrong path) to cultivate the __________(cultivate the particular right path), this is one's right effort"
"One who is mindful gives up _______(give up this particular wrong path) to dwell cultivating __________(cultivate the particular right path), this is one's right mindfulness"
then He would basically say that:
Right View with Right Effort with Right Mindfulness is the way to cultivate this particular Right Path.
So this way of speaking is repeated 5 times for Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood.
Finally, after cultivating all these 7 Right Paths, one gets Right Concentration.
And, next, get Right Concentration to do what?
To cultivate Right Knowledge and Right Liberation then gain Arahanthood.
There, the 10 Rightness is completed. *Bow*_(|)_
It is really Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!! Excellent!!! Everything is explained systematically and clearly.
But do you get what I mean? If you don't ask me next time or google the sutta yourself.
The other interesting thing is that in the Right Livelihood, I usually only learn of only Right occupation/job. Which is not to engage in jobs which violates the 5 precepts or cause them to be violated eg.dealing in arms, in beings, in meat, in intoxicants and poisons. However, in the sutra there is more, not to engage in
1. Deceitful pretensions(to attainments),
2. Flattery(for gain),
3. Subtle insinuation or hinting (for gain),
4. Pressuring (for offerings), and
5. Pursuing gain for gain.
However, this applies more to the monastics. But it is really interesting, because I do 2,3,4 and 5 all the time while scheming of ways to obtain things. So it is really an eye opener today. Really interesting. Thanks Bro. Piya!! Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!
Ritual 2
While doing my evening chanting just now, I observed again and found that there is a method that I use. The feeling of offering is generated just before the offering and it is not the thought or idea of offering. It is a feeling which arises not from the head but from the heart. If you have any experience of meditation on feelings, you will get what i mean. So you generate a feeling, have a feeling, let it flow and flood through you, and then do the offering or chanting or dedication of merits. That is how it could be done. However, once you are familiar with the process, the generation of feeling part can be completed in a shorter period of time. Some also use the first few lines or moments in the chant to generate the feeling. The important thing here is the feeling of offering, of giving. The chant or ritual/action may be meaningless to you intellectually, but because of the feelings invested, it is meaningful. That is how it should be. At least as far as i know or my level of practice is concerned. So a ritual is actually a very personal thing and very feeling based thing and not an intellectual, mind thing. So the best is not to try to understand it from that way. Try to feel the ritual, not understand it intellectually. That is why rituals is an integral part of esoteric Buddhism. My master explains that esoteric means inside, deep, feelings, not surface and intellectual. Esoteric touches the heart of things, and comes from the heart.
Sorry if it is confusing. I know that in the first post, I keep talking about the mind. But this is the problem with a chinese translation into english. The word 心 in chinese is used which is usually translates into mind. However, it actually encompasses heart and mind. So when I speak of mind, it is not intellectual mind. It is heart mind, body mind but not intellectual thinking mind. Intellectual mind is not useful most of the time when pursuing religion.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I have been thinking why I like rituals so much...Well....I think it all started from the day when at NTU's Dharma camp, when we wanted to present a gift to the Venerable at Palelai Temple, the Venerable said that this gift should not be a gift to me because I have preached the Dharma(not the exact words but the meaning is the same). The Dharma is priceless. And it should not be a gift to me. When you present it, present it to the whole sangha community. Think of it in such a way. Also, when the person is presenting it to me, do not think that HE is presenting it to me. Partake in this offering and view it as we are also presenting it to him together with the representative.
This forms the backbone of rituals. It is a bit of mudita, sympathetic joy, but more than that even. In rituals, if there is someone performing the ritual, study and know its significance yourself and you should view that you and the person performing the ritual are not separate from him or her, when the person is moving, you are moving(while not literally moving),watch the person closely, when the person is chanting, you are in concentration, perfectly in union with the person performing the ritual. Whatever the person does, you partake in it. YOU ARE IT! Mind, body and heart. That is how a participant should be in a ritual. Being one, your merit is limitless.
If you are the one doing the ritual, there must be full concentration on the action. In a wave of the hand, there is only a wave, the whole body and mind is waving. In the forming of a mudra, there is the mind body and heart all in it, not separate. The concept of union and separate does not even exist at that time of doing. Nothing at all, just that. Intention, movement and all in unison. With the chanting of the mantra, the mind has nothing, just the mantra. One way of chanting is to hear the pure words. The other is to summon out the pure intention. It is so with rituals too....
In rituals, the mind is in complete movement/stillness.. The hands move but it never actually did. There is just it...or for some, the projection, with all your mind and heart and action and speech. There is just that, the demonstration.
That is how rituals are done and should be partaken in from what I know. It is only through true participation in a ritual that one can gain the benefits of it. It is indeed sad that many of the Buddhists these days do not see or think much of ritual and undermine its use.
If it is still unclear, I shall describe the example of the offering of incense. In offering the incense, we take the incense in our hand, with one stroke right to the end, light it with the flame, looking at the flame. Then look at the red burning part, with another swift stroke right to the end, flick the fire off. Form the incense offering mudra and with the pure heart of offering, raise the mudra to the point between your eyebrows and place the incense in the burner. The ritual is complete. Nothing more, nothing less. The form may vary but the heart and mind and the cleanness of the stroke are the essentials.
The movements reflect the mind.
So movement is none other than mind.
And the mind is the ritual.
That is all. After the ritual is done, it is done.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My dear Buddhism
Got one book by Shibayama Roshi on the Mumonkan, one tranlation of Dogen by Tanahashi, one commentary by Ven Tich Nhat Hanh(Nothing to do, nowhere to go) on the Record of the Zen Teachings of master Rinzai(Linji), one book on Rituals and lithurgy called Bringing the Sacred to Life By John Daido Loori, and another book which is the english translation of Soko Moringa's autobiography. I just LOOOOVE biographies, they detail the steps a master took to become a master.
Recently I just finished Ajahn Lee's Autobiography. Finally!
And I am also reading this book by Chong An Sunim: The Flowers and the Bee. I like this book a lot, it is very down to earth Dharma. Very simple and clear. I just like the style of Chong An Sunim. Got a few videos of him.
Haha, as you can see, I have been chasing after externals of Buddhism for the last few weeks. When will I make other ppls' words my own?
Oh yea, I also got some videos of Shodo Harada Roshi. Very interesting. Never really noticed him until now. A disciple of the Master Yamada Mumon. Din know such a master existed until now. english has been rather terrible lately, can't even express something in proper english. Got to do something about it. Hmmm....change...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Meditation Class in NUS!!
Indeed, after the meditation session by him, I realise that there is not much difference in meditation at the beginning level. He taught us to concentrate on our breath and keep our attention there, how we can analyse our thoughts and actions in our daily life and so on. All the basic stuff, but the long term practice, long time to master stuff. It was really a great experience, sitting there, hearing a monk talk, laugh, meditate, contemplate.. Some of the stuff he said about situations and how we should face them as a Buddhist is all very useful. The part about our training being in our everyday lives, our actions, when he said it, though i have heard before, with my present experience, I feel it more strongly.
In the end, with a joy that seems to bubble up from my heart to my whole being, I left the session happily. Thinking how nice it would be if he can come every week. Learning Dharma in the campus, this is really learning Dharma in the campus. It is during such a time, I truely love and appreciate my being able to stay on campus and hear such good Dharma. It is indeed food for the heart. A great blessing as it is said in the Mangala Sutta. Hopefully, more ppl can come to listen to this Dharma talk. Hopefully those that com will not leave unsatisfied. Hopefully my friends who do not stay on campus will continue to come for the meditation course and may they not face any conflict or resistance in trying to come to hear this good Dharma.
But then again, haha, I read in Ajahn Chah's 'A Still Forest Pool' that he once told his disciple who wanted to hear him more often that if he came often, they would also find him boring! Haha!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Whatever the case, as a Buddhist practitioner and more importantly a Zen student, it is very impt that I should not get attached to words and should not be trapped in mental situations that other ppl present to me. How could I make such a mistake?? It is indeed a terrible mistake. Now I see the severity of it, the situations that happen before my eyes, how blind am I to them. I have really got to pracctice harder.
Should have known, my master had warned me to be careful of my words during this period of time as this is a time of much friction between me and others. It is indeed unfolding as what my master had warned of. _(|)_ But it is indeed great Buddhist training. Hopefully while I am working on my flaws, no one is sacrificed. This i hope with all sincereity.
To all those whom I have offended whether in speech, action or thought, I sincerely apologise and ask for your forgiveness. I promise that I will work hard to eliminate my flaws. But if I make any mistakes along the way, please point it out to me and have patience with me. Thank you.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Summoning the earth touching mudra
To know what you nid to do and do what you nid to.
Have to master the essence of the earth touching mudra.
Hiayhh!!!!!!! With my eat milk strength, JUST DO IT!!
Ok man, going back to study mode emanrohe.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Why do we get sucked into situations all the time, sucked into the jail that our 6 senses, thinking and feelings create for us. Reading the Zen Teachings of Rinzai, he equates a Dharma Combats to be like sucking ppl into situations and keeping a clear mind. How similar to real life. How I wish that I can be clear all the time. When is the day I wonder...
Back from retreat into the real world
However, as i took on more duties or rather more duties piled on me, my meditation got less. I was thinking that since tdy no time, nvm, tmr. So keep on tmr but i try to meditate all the time still and would usually meditate if there is nothing in particular that morning to do. However, moments of deep concentration still happened. I rmb there was a time where I truely understood the meaning of now when Bro Piya mentioned that we were like in heaven in his class. It was truely so. When he said that, all my past fell away, my future became unimportant and i was just there sitting in an airconditioned room listening attentive to him teaching the dharma. In that moment, my mind was as if a great burden had dropped and i suddenly became v happy.
Now as i write this, my term has ended. the new committee has taken over and i have taken the back seat. It is indeed heartening to se the new committee take over, yet, I still find myself being very kepo when it is time to take on a new role and move on. Correct function, correct relation, correct action.
I have also got a room in school. Feel very great, peaceful. With an altar at my table, i do my morning rituals and evening rituals. A good way to start and end the day. I have always liked these rituals, unlike the modern Buddhist who donot understand the essence and spirit behind these rituals. Every ritual is an expression of the mind and the spirit. Every step requires great mindfulness. It is a training to strengthen both mindfulness, faith, and reduce one's ego. Also, i think if this goes on, i'll build in more and more rituals and it will become difficult to follow for the next generation and the essence will be lost again. As such, ritual, i feel is a very personal thing.
Here in hostel, I spent almost 2/3 to 4/5 of the day alone, not talking. This is really true destress and peace. Great indeed!!
My first Zen and meditation retreat
July 3: Nothing much, arrived on that day by the last boat of the day, luckily I met Lee, if not I would not be able to find my way to the place as there were no taxis left by that time at the new harbour. Must call the security to call in the cab. If not call the temple to call a cab for us.
July 4: Legs were getting more and more painful but I stuck with using the double lotus. Think the answer to Mu is the thing in front of you. It is very hot, we had to sit in the main Dharma Hall for afternoon session meditation. There were just so many mosquitoes and houseflies, totally irritating. One housefly even went into my shirt from my sleeve.
July 5: Could not concentrate for the morning sittings. Changed many methods to meditate on Mu:
1. Repeat the story of the koan over and over again many times
2. Count 1 breath next breath mu and repeat
3. Say (intone) breathe in, breathe out until stable, then say clear mind, mu and synchronise with breath
4. did an interview, I answered Mu with taking out a packet of tissue paper from my pocket. It was wrong. Shifu asked me the kong an for what is eyes, ears nose, mouth used for and I passed easily except for the mouth one, which he told me to ask him back whereby he gave me a really correct function and good answer.
My last method was just intoning clear mind and mu all the way. I find that the trick is not to let the eyes wander around themselves. Sometimes, my mind still wonders with this the intoning of the clear mind and mu would bring them back. Today afternoon was cooler as it was about to rain when we sat there. Night sitting that night was bad. Can’t remember why at the moment of writing.
July 6: Morning was bad, din sleep well, it seems although I slept throughout until3.50am but morning still slept a lot more for the 2 remaining session.
Afternoon was good, ok 1st session got into sing the breathe in, mu…..that time it as no problem.
July 7: morning It always seems that first morning sittings are always quite terrible. Plagued by sleepiness and all. It was just torturous. Wanting to move and get up. But couldn't. However, after the sitting, the bowing, and waking in the park, i find myself asking for more. It also seems that for all the great vows of a bodhisattva, morning when i wake up, it just seems that it is so difficult. The monks life is really difficult. I find myself asking what am i doing here. And that i want to go back home to civilian life. Morning, when i wake up, i think, the sittings are sheer torture! Just what am i doing this for? Time just seems to fly away. The mozzies bites are really terrible. There must be like at least 40 from the last few days here and they do get itchy now and then.
On the other hand, breathe in breathe out mu is like slowly becoming my friend. It is like always with me, always just beside. Calling mu mu mu, like trying to create some relationship between mu and myself. I have an answer in mind, dono if it will be the correct one. Morning session, first incense was plagued by leg pain at the end. Second incense, Tried an intensive breathe in and out mu, the kind which is like panting, no break between the breaths, no space for thoughts to come in. was great, after i stopped abruptly, donno why, all was quiet. That was it. And i could breathe long long breaths after that. Peaceful till the end. Then next session tried to start the intensive session again. Couldn't work at first. Just din feel right. Then i reverted to taking it slow and using long deep breaths. Then all of a sudden, the urge came, and it started, the panting. I tried my best to carry it through right till the end of the session, my double lotus leg pain din bother me, unlike the first session. The second session was single lotus, no problem. The last session, i tried my best until i got some strange sensation all over my body. Like tingling, a bit of numbness, was very hot. Maybe because of the effort. And was breathing through the dantian. But that was it, the chukpi sounded and it ended. No special thing happened. I am still i. After lunch, strange, while before the morning sitting, mu was a friend constantly with me. Now it is gone. I think there is something wrong...Afternoon session didn't go well, i did a session myself before the afternoon one started. That one went well, became very calm and serene after that. But when i shifted down, maybe because of the mozzies, couldn't concentrate at all. Am very disheartened. Cant even keep my attention on my breath.... They said, dont check and just do it go straight only. So that is what i am going to do, donno if it is right, but i will just keep my attention on my breath for as long and as many times as i can in between all the discursive thoughts. For all the 'dharma' that i spout all day, cant even do the most fundamental of buddhist activity, meditation, watching your breath, intoning with wu, properly. What kind of buddhist is that man??? I am not giving up. I am going to have a go at it again. Dun get it. They say it is simple and yet i cant get it. Argh! Cant even do a simple thing right..back aches a little, mozzie bites abound, come on again! Ya!!! Yup, i think i got something. Added a session in for the night one myself so i did 4 sessions for night. There is this trick that i use. I found it out at the 2nd session and wanted to see if i can carry it through for the next 2 sessions and i did, more or less. The trick is like this, i told myself, hey, let's start, 1, 2, 3 go! And sit straight, start breathing from the dan tian, breathe deep, breathe out, mu.....the important thing is that the eyes must be clear. As in u can see the wall or the floor in front of you. I use my eyes to keep my attention to the breathing and the mu. Then i imagine something like i am shooting laser, electric bolts of mu at the wall in front of me. Actually i did this quite fiercely, all the while din wanna give up and loose my concentration. There was this part when thoughts of my vices came along, i visualised using the mu bolt to shoot it and it was gone! Incredible! Buddha come, shoot buddha, teacher come, shoot teacher! Attachment come, shoot attachment. It is really quite powerful. Time seemed to fly by in today's night sessions, leaving me asking for more. Hopefully this skill stays and i can continue practicing it tmr morning. Donno if the doubts that i mentioned above is part of the great doubt that one should have from zen practice..never mind. Sleep now and hope for a good day tmr! Mu!!!
July 8: Morning, it all starts again, i wake up to a slow start. Today is raining. Difficult to keep focus again. But it is the best early morning session that i ever had i must say. I din expect the chukpi to come so soon. Though the thought of whether the chukpi is coming did flash through my mind. Shit in the stomach also seems to interfere with the meditation. Or maybe it is because of the double lotus posture...
Second sitting for morning sitting was in single lotus. Thought it would be good, but was sleeping most of the time though i tried to keep my focus, but to no avail. Couldn't keep even like 20 counts of breath.
Today's morning session is spent drifting into and out of hallucinations. Maybe a bit sleepy. Somehow i do not have the strength to do the visualisation and did away with most of it. All 3 of the morning sessions were the same. However, the strange thing is that when we went downstairs for the afternoon chanting, when the bell was hit to bow, it was as if i was hearing it for the first time. Very clear and it clearly means to bow. Yup that's it for the morning session, hopefully i manage to do better for the afternoon.
Today, for the afternoon session, couldn't, how to say..was just disheartened again thoughts ran through my mind. Couldn’t do anything abt it. Got frustrated, even thought of squashing the mosquito that was biting me. Was swatting away mosquitoes that was near my hand.. They say dun check. Just do. Well, i even tried to ask the what is wu question to myself and keep the dun know mind from it. I seemed to be more in a daze. Is that dun know mind? I dun think so...then for the last session, totally give up, frustration, anger, all became renewed effort again. They say be a man with nothing to do. Dun get it but isn't that no good at all? But anyway, i think i mu mu mu so many times that just now when i got tired of looking at the floor and looked up at the tree for a while, it seemed to be muing back at me and so were all other things. Maybe it is just my imagination..ah whatever, shifu says to have faith in the method and just do it so i just do it la.
Night session was ok. Nothing much to say, sometimes keeping attention sometimes not. I guess some of my attachments have been cut off but some are still quite deep. Whether i get the kong an or not seems inconsequential to me. Seems like i have given up ya? But i think buddhist training is like that. A bit by a bit. Takes time. So long alr, donno when is the next interview. Sometimes i think a real retreat would be better than this one. At least more ppl practicing there is more together action and more getting into the mood. More interviews with the zen master seriously trying to develop you. I dun know. But i guess i gained something from the meditation. But cant pin point specifically what. Yup that's all for the night. Tmr is fasting day. No water even. But they say tmr we go out to beach. So no training? Then i would only have 2 days left which i dun think will have any progress cos of the beach trip which breaks the mood. So guess maybe my retreat ends here. Morale not really high now it seems..good night.
July 9: early morning session was marked with sinus and sleepiness. Think i spent most of my time sleeping except for 5 min for each session on mu..then since today is the fasting day, i managed to do in another 30 min session myself after the early morning sessions before i had to blow nose. Then i went to take a nap for 30 min in hope that the nose would clear but to no avail. So now i guess i'll go back to meditate till the morning sessions start.
Whole morning session was marked with flu. Dun think i did any beneficial meditation. Best that can be said is that i just sat there. Flu is almost cleared though. But it may just come back again as it like. Got bitten on the lip by a mosquito cos i was closing my eyes while meditating.
Read through kyong ho sunim's inspirational words and was really inspired. Could concentrate better after that. Watching the mind like a cat catching a mouse, never letting go, never letting up. Always seek to find the mind. What is it that hears, what is it that sees. What is it hat chants, what is it that mus, what is it that feels. That is it. So i am working on that now. Meanwhile, venerable has brought us to mersing, to a beach resort, to take in the energy of the nature. Din want to go at first, but shifu said it'll be good so here i am at the beach resort. Nothing much of a resort, just a house by the beach. We reached at around 5.45pm, it is free activity until the next day 5.30am when i have to help with the preparation of breakfast. Was thinking if i'll be free from mozzies, in the end, no. There are even more here.. Oh well, what a lot of mozzies they have here. 2 more days and i'll be going back to
July10: woke up intermittently during the night. But finally woke up at almost 5 to do some chanting and help prep breakfast. Drank water the first thing it was past 12. Quite crazy, their fast here is without drinking water! Anyway the next morning breakfast consisted of raw fruits and vege and drinking a bowl of lemon juice salt water. Purposely done to give u the runs. And i did a little. So after lao sai, took long walk down the pristine beach, also to suntan. Haha! Anyway, we passed nus time like that the whole morning relaxing and reading magazines. Then around 11 we left the place. Oh btw, the 'resort' is but a hut. No air con. Yea, so we left, ate some western lunch as we couldn't find any chinese food eatery which server vege around town. But din feel too good after lunch.. Anyway we took a super long and relaxed drive back to the zen centre. Stopped for a break at a coffeeshop and another break at a large grocery store. By the way, the other shifu nun with us became sick after getting my flu. I recoverd while she became worse. She was sniffing non- stop the whole journey. Why did we go to the beach? Shifu told me that it is because sunim was with us. I think this zen school has the culture of bringing their guest monks for sight seeing. Anyway, we reached back to the centre around 1 and the other retreatant had to go back and shifu gave me the practice of washing car and i needed to set up the table and fill the water in the lotus pots and wash the plates and shift the cushions up cos the other lady washed them while we were gone and in between had to bathe too. So was very busy. Then i saw the sms that the inter-religious cca that i am in is having a meeting the next day at 6.30pm. Well since i will be going the day after morning, i guess i'll leave tmr. Shifu tells me there is a boat that leaves at 1, so i'll leave after lunch. We did the evening service and 2 sittings before turning for the night. The night sittings were full of thoughts planning what i was going to do tmr, returning to
July 11: day of departure. Early morning session was alright. Haha, sunim woke us up 1 hour early at 3 instead! And after that we went back to sleep again. Haha! Morning session was fine, but as i was going back, i spent most of my time thinking of what i was going to do when i return. After that came interview, i asked many questions regarding traditions of zen which shifu just cut me short straight away, with the no differance and all but of course, i knew that they are all the same and point to the same place. Today at interview, shifu gave me the koan on joju and washing bowl. Haha! He said my answer was almost correct! I think i know the answer alr. Haha! Next time see him and tell him. What did he attain indeed! Haha! Hmmm..but i still cant pass my mu koan.... Donno what is the answer.... But anyway, that is fine. Mu seems to be a difficult koan.. Hmmm..overall, i think i have changed, i just feel different. I know my meditation has improved, concentration is better of course, posture is better. I need to ty out this new me out in the society to know. If in society, it cant work, then i dun think it is useful. Cant wait to do so..yup, with new found powers and skills, to the society i come. Retreat is over. Oh no, just remembered that i forgot to ask shifu abt the technique to meditate on mu..ah, whatever, i guess the method is straight forward enough. Went a whole round in the retreat with regards to meditation and returned to where i started from. But it is already different. Yep. Oh well, now that i am gone, they ask me if i will go back again, well yes, but with other friends i guess. It is just too inconvenient to go yourself.