Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meditation Class in NUS!!

In order to concentrate on one style of meditation, I typically don't go for classes of other meditation styles. However, hearing how good Ajahn Keng was, I decided to go down to check him out.

Indeed, after the meditation session by him, I realise that there is not much difference in meditation at the beginning level. He taught us to concentrate on our breath and keep our attention there, how we can analyse our thoughts and actions in our daily life and so on. All the basic stuff, but the long term practice, long time to master stuff. It was really a great experience, sitting there, hearing a monk talk, laugh, meditate, contemplate.. Some of the stuff he said about situations and how we should face them as a Buddhist is all very useful. The part about our training being in our everyday lives, our actions, when he said it, though i have heard before, with my present experience, I feel it more strongly.

In the end, with a joy that seems to bubble up from my heart to my whole being, I left the session happily. Thinking how nice it would be if he can come every week. Learning Dharma in the campus, this is really learning Dharma in the campus. It is during such a time, I truely love and appreciate my being able to stay on campus and hear such good Dharma. It is indeed food for the heart. A great blessing as it is said in the Mangala Sutta. Hopefully, more ppl can come to listen to this Dharma talk. Hopefully those that com will not leave unsatisfied. Hopefully my friends who do not stay on campus will continue to come for the meditation course and may they not face any conflict or resistance in trying to come to hear this good Dharma.

But then again, haha, I read in Ajahn Chah's 'A Still Forest Pool' that he once told his disciple who wanted to hear him more often that if he came often, they would also find him boring! Haha!

1 comment:

Kwek said...

hey i've had this same feeling from ven chun nian's meditation class too...

before the class i was still feeling depressed... then when she came in and started talking, gradually, noticeably and marvelously the depression faded away and was replaced by an irrational, happy kind of joy...

i was so amazingly surprised by it, i just sad there awash with it, happy and peaceful until the class ended...

no idea why... she's not like a very very very very famous nun so there's no confounding factor of star appeal...